serious error with materialize.css checkbox


Hello friends, I'm having problems with the materialize.css checkboxes.

I'm doing a query in alphabetical order but when I try to make the selection of any medication it only lets me select the first of each letter, but if I remove the css , it works perfectly and I can select whatever it is.

Does anyone know how to remove the css from a checkbox or something like that?

I attach the code the images so that they see.

$consulta = $DB_con->query("SELECT * FROM medicamentos WHERE nombre_medicamento LIKE 'A%%' ORDER BY id;");
if($consulta->rowCount() > 0){

echo "<form class='col s12' action='recipe_medico.php' 
name='frmContacto' method='post'>";

echo "<div class='letra' align='justify' 
style='margin-left: -18px; overflow: auto; width: 260px; height: 480px;'>
<div 'center-align black-text thin' style='font-size: 22px;'>A<hr></div>
<div class='letra' align='justify' style='width: 370px;'>";

while ($linea = $consulta->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

echo ("<div class='letra' align='justify' style='width: 370px;'>
<p><input type='checkbox' name='chk_group[]' id='chk1' value='{$linea['id']}' > 
<label class='black-text' for='chk1'>{$linea['nombre_medicamento']}&nbsp;&nbsp;


now in mysql to save it implemented it like this:

if (isset ($_POST['guardar'])){

  $sql="SELECT * FROM receta_medica WHERE id='$id' AND fecha='$fecha' AND idmedicamentos='$idmedicamentos[$i]'";
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($idmedicamentos); $i++) {
  mysql_query("INSERT INTO receta_medica (id,fecha,cedula,idmedicamentos) 
  VALUES ('$id','$fecha','$cedula','$idmedicamentos[$i]')", $link);

echo "<script>alert ('Registro Guardado');</script>
<META HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' CONTENT=0;URL=http:recipe_medico.php>";
  else echo "<div class='registro'><script>alert ('Disculpe, El Paciente ya tiene realizado un recipe para esta Fecha debe Esperar la proxima consulta');</script> 
  <META HTTP-EQUIV='REFRESH' CONTENT=0;URL=http:recipe_medico.php></div>";

as I now use PDO as it might be that I applied the for or that same for me.

<!-- proceso para registrar-->

  $sql = "SELECT id FROM receta_medica WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1"; //Creamos la select
  $check = $DB_con->prepare($sql); //Preparamos la SELECT, de ésta manera evitamos SQL Injection
  $check->bindParam(':id', $_POST['id']);//Substituimos las variables de la SELECT
  $check->execute();//Ejecutamos la consulta
  $contador = $check -> rowCount();//Esta función devuelve el número de resultados que ha devuelto la SELECT
  if ($contador > 0) {

$mensaje = "<div class='col s12 card-panel blue lighten-2 center'>
<h5 class='black-text text-darken-2 center CONDENSED LIGHT5'>
¡ Ups Aviso: El Registro ya se Encuentra Insertado ! 
$sql = false;

$sql=$DB_con->prepare("INSERT INTO receta_medica (id,fk_cedula,fk_examen_laboratorio,fecha) 
  VALUES (:id, :fk_cedula, :fk_examen_laboratorio[], :fecha)");


$mensaje ="<div class='col s12 card-panel teal lighten-2 center'>
<h5 class='black-text text-darken-2 center CONDENSED LIGHT5'>
¡ Bien Hecho: Registro Insertado Correctamente !

<!-- fin proceso para registrar-->
asked by yoclens 02.03.2017 в 06:12

1 answer


In materialize the checkboxes are invisible. The box you see is generated using the pseudo-property :after and in fact the act of checking or unchecking is done by label .

The label knows which checkbox it is modifying because it has the attribute for pointing to the ID of the checkbox. And here comes the problem: all your checkboxes have the same ID, so the three labels try to modify the same element.

When you assign the same ID to several elements, it is not because the browser propagates to all of them what you are doing in reference to that ID. Rather he stays with one of those who have that ID and ignores the rest.

You can use the field field id of the query, and your sentence echo would be:

echo ("<div class='letra' align='justify' style='width: 370px;'>
<p><input type='checkbox' name='chk_group[]' id='chk1{$linea['id']}' value='{$linea['id']}' > 
<label class='black-text' for='chk1{$linea['id']}'>{$linea['nombre_medicamento']}&nbsp;&nbsp;

Or a little more readable:

echo "<div class='letra' align='justify' style='width: 370px;'>";
  echo "<p>";
    echo "<input type='checkbox' name='chk_group[]' id='chk1{$linea['id']}' value='{$linea['id']}' />";
    echo "<label class='black-text' for='chk1{$linea['id']}'>$linea['nombre_medicamento']}&nbsp;&nbsp;    {$linea['presentacion_medicamento']}</label>";
  echo "</p>";
echo "</div>";

With which, in passing, it is evident that you have an extra div tag.

answered by 02.03.2017 / 14:33