Sorry that seems like a very simple doubt, but it is the first time that I do this and I am having difficulties. I have created with spyder, a software that brings anaconda, a calculator of systems of equations, in which I have used the numpy module, and when saving and executing it in a console the following error appears:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
import numpy as np
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
As far as I can see, I can not access the numpy module from outside Spyder, I would like to know if I could create an .exe with this code and run it on any computer (Windows) if I do not have python installed
import numpy as np
print(" ")
print("Calculadora de sistemas de ecuaciones (x,y)")
print("Autor: ---")
print(" ")
print(" ")
print("1º.-Escribe los coeficientes del primer sistema, sin parte literal (Escribir los terminos uno a uno)")
print(" ")
print("2º.-Ahora, escribe los del segundo sistema")
print(" ")
a=np.array([[var1,var2],[var4,var5]])#a=ecuaciones con coeficientes
b=np.array([var3,var6])#b=ecuaciones con coeficientes
print(" ")
print(c)#imprime el resultado
print(" ")
print("Nota: El primer resultado siempre será (x), y el segundo (y)")
Sorry for this simple doubt, thanks in advance.