Securing entry of variable GET


I tell you what happens to me, I want to make a file eject.php that is in charge of doing an UPDATE to change to 0 some values in the table account.

The values that this file needs would be uid and rut, but I got to thinking that if I do a href and send those variables for get by pressing in expelling a member, anyone who knows the user's rut and uid simply puts it in the url and ejects anyone, then I had thought about passing a token that is generated randomly but I can not think of how to do it. If someone has to recommend me a safe way to do this, I would appreciate your cooperation. Greetings and thanks

asked by Santiago D'Antuoni 20.11.2016 в 18:51

1 answer


It is better to do it by method POST as you have mentioned, since you are going to do UPDATE . Even so I'll leave you an example like sending a ID protected back and forth by method GET .

We generate a clave and save it to your server, either in your connection file PHP or in your database, that is, a safe place, so you can work with it when necessary.

    $clave = 'KFpt%5WAQR%ZMBJ-'; //Generamos clave.

We create the ID protected with the function MD5 and add the key and ID.

$id_protegido = md5($clave.$tu_id);

The url would look like this:

echo "<a href=url.php?id=$id_protegido>abrir</a>";

Let's see the process as receiving the id with protection and create our query SQL .

//Obtenemos ID.
$id = $_GET['id'] ?: '';

//Nota, $clave la debes obtener para concatenar la cadena para asi hacer la comprobación del 'id' correctamente.

//Sentencia prepare.
$stmt = $conexion->prepare("SELECT id,nombre,expulsar FROM tu_tabla WHERE md5(CONCAT(?, id)) = ?");
//Ligamos parametros marcadores.
//Ejecutar sentencia.
//Registros almacenados.
   //Salida data.
   //Cerrar sentencia.
} else { $stmt->close(); }
answered by 20.11.2016 / 23:22