I have a list called self.items
items = [dict(id=0, w=4, v=12),
dict(id=1, w=6, v=10),
dict(id=2, w=5, v=8),
dict(id=3, w=7, v=11),
dict(id=4, w=3, v=14),
dict(id=5, w=1, v=7),
dict(id=6, w=6, v=9)]
With this, I have to make a list of lists, where each element is combined with the others, including the empty case. The appearance that this list of lists will have at the end will be something like this:
[[],[{id:0,w:4,v:12}],....,[{id:0,w:4,v:12}, {id:1,w:6,v:10}]....]
Then I have implemented the function brute_force()
to find which set of elements has the maximum weight allowed and the maximum value.
This is the solution I've found and it's going well:
def brute_force(self):
""" Solves the knapsack problem using brute force
:return: max_value and list of items
power_set = self.power_set()
best_value = 0
best_set = []
best_weight = 0
for p in power_set:
for w in p:
weight = w['w'] + weight
value = w['v'] + value
if weight == self.max_weight:
if best_value < value:
return best_value, best_weight, best_set
Now I must do the same but recursively. This is where I start having problems. I know that the fact of being recursive implies that I do not have to use for
because I already do it when I call the function N times, but I do not know how to take what I want from self.items
, which is the maximum value. With for
yes I would know but without him no.
This is the recursive function of which I speak:
def recursive(self, n, max_weight):
""" Recursive Knapsack
:param n: Number of elements
:param max_weight: Maximum weight allowed
:return: max_value
self.iterations += 1
result = 0
# Add code
return result
And this is the solution that I have been able to reach after several hours.
def recursive(self, n, max_weight):
""" Recursive Knapsack
:param n: Number of elements
:param max_weight: Maximum weight allowed
:return: max_value
self.iterations += 1
result = 0
# Add code
if max_weight > self.max_weight: #they gave me the self.max_weightas a variable of method __init__ which shows me what is the maximum weight permitted
self.recursive(self, self.items+self.iterations, max_weight)
if max_weight < self.max_weight:
self.recursive(self, self.items+self.iterations, max_weight)
result = self.items['v']+result
return result