I want to calculate the attendances, faults and delays of ALL the employees that return the function buscarEmpleados()
from a date A and a date B which are received in $dates1
and $dates2
returns a list of NoEmpleados
or idClaves
the idclave that I return, I want to send it as a parameter to other functions, for example: consultarFecha($empleado,$tdate);
I have defined a foreach that runs buscarEmpleados()
to bring the NoEmpleados
, however it is not doing it
correct way, since in my table only brings me a single NoEmpleado
and does not make the corresponding calculations.
The code works when it is a single NoEmpleado
, but I have not managed to do it with more than 1
Code to calculate with all employees:
public $idclave;
public $fktipo;
public function buscarEmpleados()
$res = array("idclave"=>"","FechaIng"=>"");
$i = 0;
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($this->conn,"select * FROM tblpersonal ");
if( $stmt === false) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true) );
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC) ) {
//$res[$i] = $row['idClave'];
$this->idclave = $row['idClave'];
$this->tipo = $row['fkTipo'];
return $res;
Code for calculating delays, faults, etc.:
$dates1 = strtotime($_POST['date1']);
$dates2 = strtotime($_POST['date2']);
$turno = array();
$horas = 0;
$festivo = false;
$festlab = 0;
$datediff = $dates2 - $dates1;
$datedifdays = ($datediff/(60*60*24));
$descanso = 0;
$asistencias = 0;
$faltas = 0;
$horasextra = 0;
$festivotrabajado = 0;
$retardos = 0;
$diff_in_min = 0;
$deslab = 0;
$tolerancia = 0;
$permisos = 0;
$numemp = array();
$numemp = $emp->buscarEmpleados();
foreach ($numemp as $empleado) {
case 8:
$tolerancia = -10;
case 9:
$tolerancia = -6;
case 10:
$tolerancia = -10;
$val1 = $emp->idclave; ///Me retorna el NoEmpleado
$val2 = $emp->tipo; ///Me retorna el tipo
echo "Soy clave1",$val1; //Impresión
echo "Soy clave2",$val2; //Impresión
for ($i=0;$i<=$datedifdays;$i++){
$date = new DateTime($_POST['date1']);
$date->modify('+'.$i.' day');
$dia = $date->format('l');
if (in_array($dia,$turno))
$tdate = date_format($date, 'd-m-Y') . ' ';
$tdate = trim($tdate);
$arr = $db->consultarFecha($empleado,$tdate);
$entrada = $arr["fechaEntrada"];
$salida = $arr["fechaSalida"];
$fest = array();
$fest = $db->consultarFestivo($tdate);
if ($fest["observacion"] != "")
$festivo = true;
$festivo = false;
$entr = new DateTime($entrada);
if ($entrada == "" )
$permiso = array();
$permiso = $db->consultarPermiso($empleado,$tdate);
if($permiso["razon"] != "")
if($festivo == false)
if ($entrada != "" )
$entrada1 = $entrada;
$horaentrada = $date->format('d-m-Y') . " " . $ent;
$diffe = strtotime($horaentrada) - strtotime($entrada1);
$diff_in_min = $diffe/60;
if($festivo == true)
$diff = strtotime($salida) - strtotime($entrada);
$diff_in_hrs = $diff/3600;
// calculamos sumario
if (round($diff_in_hrs) > $horas)
$horasextra += (round($diff_in_hrs) - $horas );
if (round($diff_in_min) < $tolerancia)
$tdate = date_format($date, 'd-m-Y');
$tdate = trim($tdate);
$arr = $db->consultarFecha($empleado,$tdate);
$entrada = $arr["fechaEntrada"];
$salida = $arr["fechaSalida"];
$entr = new DateTime($entrada);
if ($entrada != "" )
$entrada1 = $entrada;
$horaentrada = $date->format('d-m-Y') . " " . $ent;
$diffe = strtotime($horaentrada) - strtotime($entrada1);
$diff_in_min = $diffe/60;
$diff = strtotime($salida) - strtotime($entrada);
$diff_in_hrs = $diff/3600;
if (round($diff_in_hrs) > $horas)
$horasextra += (round($diff_in_hrs) - $horas );
if (round($diff_in_min) < $tolerancia)
// $retardos++;
//echo "Descanso <br />";
<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" >
<td>Retardos </td>
<th>Información </th>
<tr class="success">
<td><?php echo $empleado; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $asistencias; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $faltas; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $retardos; ?></td>
Code to calculate with a single employee:
Function searching for a specific node
public function buscarId($empno)
$res = array();
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($this->conn,"select p.*,e.Descripcion as Tipo,de.* from tblpersonal
JOIN tbldescanso de on p.idClave = de.idclave WHERE p.idclave ='". $empno."' ");
if( $stmt === false) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true) );
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC) ) {
//General information
$this->idclave = $row['idClave'];
$this->fktipo = $row['fkTipo'];
$db = new database();
$emp = new empleado();
$dates1 = strtotime($_POST['date1']); // Obtenemos las dos Fechas
$dates2 = strtotime($_POST['date2']);
$turno = array();
$empl = $_REQUEST['empno'];// Dato desde un campo de texto
$horas = 0;
$festivo = false;
$festlab = 0;
$datediff = $dates2 - $dates1;
$datedifdays = ($datediff/(60*60*24));
$descanso = 0;
$asistencias = 0;
$faltas = 0;
$horasextra = 0;
$festivotrabajado = 0;
$retardos = 0;
$diff_in_min = 0;
$deslab = 0;
$tolerancia = 0;
$permisos = 0;
//** Obtenemos los datos del empleado
$nombre = $emp->nombre;
$idturno = $emp->idturno;
$puesto = "";
$evento = "";
case 8:
$tolerancia = -10;
case 9:
$tolerancia = -6;
case 10:
$tolerancia = -10;
//Configuramos detalles turno, horario y horas trabajadas
//Carga configuración de horarios
for ($i=0;$i<=$datedifdays;$i++)
$date = new DateTime($_POST['date1']);
$date->modify('+'.$i.' day');
$dia = $date->format('l');
if (in_array($dia,$turno))
$tdate = date_format($date, 'd-m-Y') . ' ';
$tdate = trim($tdate);
$arr = $db->consultarFecha($empl,$tdate);
$entrada = $arr["fechaEntrada"];
$salida = $arr["fechaSalida"];
$fest = array();
$fest = $db->consultarFestivo($tdate);
if ($fest["observacion"] != "")
$festivo = true;
$festivo = false;
$entr = new DateTime($entrada);
if ($entrada == "" )
$permiso = array();
$permiso = $db->consultarPermiso($empl,$tdate);
if($permiso["razon"] != "")
if($festivo == false)
if ($entrada != "" )
$entrada1 = $entrada;
$horaentrada = $date->format('d-m-Y') . " " . $ent;
$diffe = strtotime($horaentrada) - strtotime($entrada1);
$diff_in_min = $diffe/60;
if($festivo == true)
$diff = strtotime($salida) - strtotime($entrada);
$diff_in_hrs = $diff/3600;
if (round($diff_in_hrs) > $horas)
$horasextra += (round($diff_in_hrs) - $horas );
if (round($diff_in_min) < $tolerancia)
$tdate = date_format($date, 'd-m-Y');
$tdate = trim($tdate);
$arr = $db->consultarFecha($empl,$tdate);
$entrada = $arr["fechaEntrada"];
$salida = $arr["fechaSalida"];
$entr = new DateTime($entrada);
if ($entrada != "" )
$entrada1 = $entrada;
$horaentrada = $date->format('d-m-Y') . " " . $ent;
$diffe = strtotime($horaentrada) - strtotime($entrada1);
$diff_in_min = $diffe/60;
$diff = strtotime($salida) - strtotime($entrada);
$diff_in_hrs = $diff/3600;
if (round($diff_in_hrs) > $horas)
$horasextra += (round($diff_in_hrs) - $horas );
if (round($diff_in_min) < $tolerancia)
<p>Fecha de Inicio: <?php echo $_POST['date1']; ?> </p>
<p>Fecha final: <?php echo $_POST['date2']; ?> </p>
<table class="table">
<th>retardo </th>
<tr class="success">
<td><?php echo $empleado; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $asistencias; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $faltas; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $retardos; ?></td>