Error using Memcached with Cache API Gx15 U1 .Net


I'm using the Genexus Cache API and trying to get the value of a key gives me a .net exception.

Where will the problem come from?



In the log add:

DEBUG StoneFramework - StoneFramework.Caching.CacheGet|SecurityParametersType

DEBUG GeneXus.Services.GXServices - Loading STORAGE_SERVICE:D:\KBs\GProjexEv3\GP_Prototipo\web\CloudServices.config

DEBUG GeneXus.Cache.CacheFactory - Loading CACHE_PROVIDER: GeneXus.Cache.Memcached, GxMemcached, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6f5bf81c27b6b8aa

DEBUG StoneFramework - StoneFramework.Caching.CacheGet|GPARAMETERSTYPE

"StoneFramework.Caching.CacheGet" is invoked prior to & & Cache.Get ().

asked by dmonza 27.10.2016 в 19:37

2 answers


Solved, I needed to initialize the variable & Cache

& Cache = Cache.GetCache (! "StoneFramework")

answered by 10.11.2016 / 17:16

That could happen if in stoneframework, that variable & Cache on which the & Cache.Get () is performed was not initialized. That is, if before doing Cache.Get something like this was not done: & Cache = Cache.GetCache ("StoneCache")

Anyway, without initializing it should not give that exception, it is an error.

answered by 10.11.2016 в 17:44