I'm using the Genexus Cache API and trying to get the value of a key gives me a .net exception.
Where will the problem come from?
In the log add:
DEBUG StoneFramework - StoneFramework.Caching.CacheGet|SecurityParametersType
DEBUG GeneXus.Services.GXServices - Loading STORAGE_SERVICE:D:\KBs\GProjexEv3\GP_Prototipo\web\CloudServices.config
DEBUG GeneXus.Cache.CacheFactory - Loading CACHE_PROVIDER: GeneXus.Cache.Memcached, GxMemcached, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6f5bf81c27b6b8aa
DEBUG StoneFramework - StoneFramework.Caching.CacheGet|GPARAMETERSTYPE
"StoneFramework.Caching.CacheGet" is invoked prior to & & Cache.Get ().