Greetings, I am developing an application in JSF, in which, a message is displayed, the typical "Hello World". For this, I have in a package hello a class Hello , with the annotation ManagedBean, in which I define an attribute message and a method to consult the value. So far no problems. I get the value as follows:
<title>Hola mundo...</title>
But if in the same project I create another package called salute , and add a class Hello , with the annotation ManagedBean, and an attribute mensajedos , when I try to check this value,
has an error, since it is not possible to read the attribute:
The class 'saludo.Hello' does not have the property 'mensaje'.
It's understandable, because I'm not specifying the package. In a way I was already waiting for the error. The question is, how do I specify the class package?
Thanks in advance