iTextSharp extract pdf text by coordinates


I am trying to extract the text of a PDF by coordinates in a visual way

public override void BeginGetText(Image page, uint pageNumber)
            _PageNumber = (int)pageNumber;

            using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(FileName))
                iTextSharp.text.Rectangle mediabox = reader.GetPageSize((int)pageNumber);
                //iTextSharp.text.Rectangle cropbox = reader.GetCropBox((int)pageNumber);

                _FactorX = page.Width / (mediabox.Width + 0.0F);
                _FactorY = page.Height / (mediabox.Height + 0.0F);

That way I get the conversion factor, but I've set it to 72p to be 1 (so that's not it)

public override string GetText(int x, int y, int w, int h)
            using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(FileName))
                    fx = x / _FactorX, fy = y / _FactorY,
                    fw = w / _FactorX, fh = h / _FactorY;

                System.util.RectangleJ rect = new System.util.RectangleJ(fx, fy, fw, fh);

                ITextExtractionStrategy textExtractionStrategy = new FilteredTextRenderListener(new LocationTextExtractionStrategy(),
                    new RenderFilter[] { new RegionTextRenderFilter(rect) });

                string ret = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, _PageNumber, textExtractionStrategy);
                return ret;

and this way I extract it, the problem is that it does not return the text of those positions, in fact if I put the whole page (588x842) if you take it out, but if I put from 0.0 to 588,400 to remove the upper half, I take out the lower one.

Any ideas? I only get it to work if I put it in full page

asked by Fernando Diaz Toledano 27.07.2016 в 09:48

1 answer


I solved it using pdfbox for this purpose.

public override string GetText(int x, int y, int w, int h)
                fx = x / _FactorX, fy = y / _FactorY,
                fw = w / _FactorX, fh = h / _FactorY;

            lock (_Page)
                PDFTextStripperByArea stripper = new PDFTextStripperByArea();
                stripper.addRegion("testRegion", new java.awt.Rectangle((int)fx, (int)fy, (int)fw, (int)fh));

                string ret = stripper.getTextForRegion("testRegion");
                if (ret == null) return "";
                return ret.Trim();
answered by 10.04.2017 / 11:30