I have the following procedure stored in MySQL, it works for me but nevertheless it brings me more records, I mean there are several records that coincide in almost all the fields except in the series and in the date, so I decided to order them as in a ranking.
CREATE DEFINER='usuarioroot'@'%' PROCEDURE 'spRank'()
set @report_rank := 0;
set @current := 0;
select a.*,
@report_rank := IF(@current = clave , @report_rank + 1, 1) AS report_rank,
@current := clave
from (
SELECT tabla1.serie,Count(*) as cantSerie,fecha,
CASE WHEN DateDiff(fecha,Now())<0 Then 0 Else
CASE WHEN DateDiff(fecha,Now())>0 AND DateDiff(fecha,Now())<20 Then 1
Else 2 End End As Codfecha,
DateDiff(Max(fecha),Now()) as DiasExp,
CASE WHEN IsNull(seriePdf) Then 'No' Else 'Si' end as EnPdf,
tabla2.clave,campo4 as antiguo
From bd1.tabla1, bd1.tabla2, bd2.tabla3 ,
(SELECT tabla2.clave
From bd1.tabla2, bd2.tabla3
Where tabla2.clave = bd2.tabla3.clave
Group By tabla2.clave)
Where tabla2.clave = bd2.tabla3.clave
AND tabla1.serie=tabla2.serie
and subclave.clave = tabla2.clave
GROUP BY tabla2.clave,tabla1.serie
) a
ORDER BY antiguo,clave,fecha DESC,cantSerie,serie;
I can get the following result:
serie cantSerie fecha Codfecha DiasExp EnPdf clave antiguo report_rank @current :=clave
123AB0123 5 2016-04-26 00:00:00 0 -114 Si 01A1 NO 1 01A1
123AC0123 4 2014-03-26 00:00:00 0 -876 Si 01A1 NO 2 01A1
123BC0123 1 2013-03-30 00:00:00 0 -1237 Si 01A1 NO 3 01A1
123BD0123 5 2013-03-30 00:00:00 0 -1237 Si 01A1 NO 4 01A1
124BF0123 1 2016-06-10 00:00:00 0 -69 Si 01A2 NO 1 01A2
123BD0023 1 2013-03-30 00:00:00 0 -1237 Si 01A2 NO 2 01A2
But I just want the records they have in the report_rank = 1, try using the clause where: where @report_rank = 1
but it does not bring me any record and it does not mark me an error either, also I would like it in the final result not you see the last 2 fields: report_rank @current :=clave
In a few words I want to get the following result:
serie cantSerie fecha Codfecha DiasExp EnPdf clave antiguo
123AB0123 5 2016-04-26 00:00:00 0 -114 Si 01A1 NO
124BF0123 1 2016-06-10 00:00:00 0 -69 Si 01A2 NO