is the first time I try to make a page implementing paypal and it is giving me problems, I use Laravel too.
This is the function that gives me the error
private $_api_context;
public function __construct()
// setup PayPal api context
$paypal_conf = \Config::get('paypal');
$this->_api_context = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential($paypal_conf['client_id'], $paypal_conf['secret']));
public function postPayment()
$payer = new Payer();
$elementos = array();
$subtotal = 0;
$carrito = \Session::get('carrito');
$monedaActual = 'EUR';
foreach ($carrito as $producto):
$Item = new item();
$elementos[] = $Item;
$subtotal += $producto->cantidad + $producto->precio;
$listaElementos = new ItemList();
$detalles = new Details();
$total = $subtotal + 100;
$amount = new Amount();
$transaccion = new Transaction();
->setDescription('Pedido de prueba de la aplicacion Laravel ');
$urlsRedirecionadas = new RedirectUrls();
$Pago = new Payment();
->setRedirectUrls( $urlsRedirecionadas)
} catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex)
if (\Config::get('app.debug')) :
echo 'Excepcion '.$ex->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
$err_data = json_decode($ex->getData(), true);
else :
die('Algo ha fallado, compruebe si estan correctos todos los pasos');
return \Redirect::away('/carrito')
->with('mensaje','Hay un error desconocido');
The error of the paypal log is this
[23-08-2016 10:26:21] PayPal\Core\PayPalHttpConnection : ERROR: Got Http response code 400 when accessing {"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"field":"transactions[0]","issue":"Item amount must add up to specified amount subtotal (or total if amount details not specified)"}],"message":"Invalid request - see details","information_link":"","debug_id":"c486cbbedfec1"}
and the debug of the variable $ Payment in json is this
"{"intent":"sale","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal"},"redirect_urls":{"return_url":"http://localhost/HTDOCS_PHP/laravel_tienda_overfiso/public/payment/status","cancel_url":"http://localhost/HTDOCS_PHP/laravel_tienda_overfiso/public/payment/status"},"transactions":[{"amount":{"currency":"EUR","total":"601.28","details":{"subtotal":"501.28","shipping":"100"}},"item_list":{"items":[{"name":"perico_2","currency":"EUR","description":"mensaje descripcion 2","quantity":1,"price":"500.28"}]},"description":"Pedido de prueba de la aplicacion Laravel "}]}"