How to export to multilinestring format with mapinfo or qgis


I have installed the geographic editor mapinfo and qgis .

After creating the routes in mapinfo and saving them with extension shp and loading it in qgis I do not know how to convert those routes to multilinestring .

With mapinfo can you convert to multilinestring ?

asked by Pablo Miró 11.05.2016 в 17:50

2 answers


If you have the routes saved in the assets directory in your application, you can use the following function readFileFromAssets

Then with .toString() you can get your content in String , but if you want to show routes in the googlemaps object I recommend you convert them to kml , because I do not know if it supports format .shp

answered by 12.05.2016 в 12:16

To change the Mapinfo (Tab) extension to Arcgis (Shape) you can do it using the "Universal Converter" module. located in the "tool" module, you just have to indicate the location of the input file and assign the location to the output file ...

answered by 01.04.2018 в 02:04