I am developing an application for SmartCard and when I work with the T0 protocol the application runs perfect but for T1 the function SCardTransmit
returns me:
My question is: does the vector have the same format for both protocols or does it change the format of the vector?
public void Trasmision()
Byte[] vectorSend = { 0x00, 0xa4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 };
UInt32 inT2 = (UInt32)vectorSend.Length;
vectorIn = new Byte[254];
UInt32 inT = (UInt32)vectorIn.Length;
IntPtr PT1 =GetPciT0() ;
this.rTransmit = SCardTransmit(this.hContext, GetPciT0(), vectorSend, inT2, request, vectorIn, inT);