Java: Array is read or miswritten from a file


I would like to solve a problem of getting all the possible combinations for several people to cross a path, so that two nodes can not be visited by several people.

The ideal case would be to store the elements in a list but when using recursion the elements of the list at the end would be null.

The fact is that I have made an algorithm that prints all the solutions and prints them well the case is that I want to save them in a file, then instead of printing them I write them in a file.

The fact is that when I read the elements that I had introduced as [1,2,3], [2,1,3], [1,3,2], [2,3,1], [ 3,1,2] and [3,2,1] are all read as [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3] and [1,2,3].

Does anyone know why this happens?


 package elements;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Combine{

    public static final int nNodes = 3;
    public static final int nVehicles = 3;

    private  ObjectOutputStream output= new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("Solutions.bin"));
    // nodes
    private Node[] nodes;
    private int nUnvisitedNodes = nNodes;
    private List<Node[][]> list = new ArrayList<>();
    // solution
    private Node[][] sol = new Node[nVehicles][];

    // no of solutions already found and printed
    int nSolutions = 0;

    public Combine() throws IOException {
        // init nodes
        nodes = new Node[nNodes];
        for (int nix = 0; nix < nodes.length; nix++) {
            nodes[nix] = new Node(nix + 1); // node names are 1-based

        // search for solutions -- person 0 first
        try {

            ObjectOutputStream output= new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("numberSols.txt"));

        } catch (IOException e) {



    private void tryVehicle0() {
        if (nUnvisitedNodes == 0) { // done
        } else {
            // assuming this is not the last person, this person may visit 1 through nUnvisitedNodes nodes
            // (in a canonical solution person 0 cannot visit 0 nodes)
            int maxVisits = nUnvisitedNodes;
            for (int nNodesToVisit = 1; nNodesToVisit <= maxVisits; nNodesToVisit++) {
                sol[0] = new Node[nNodesToVisit];
                tryNode(0, sol[0], 0);
                sol[0] = null;

    private void tryVehicle(int person) {
        assert person > 0;
        if (nUnvisitedNodes == 0) { // solution complete
        } else {
            if (person < nVehicles) { // still persons to try
                if (person == nVehicles - 1) { // this is the last person
                    // person must visit all remaining nodes
                    // in a canonical solution, first node must be greater than first node visited by previous person
                    int nNodesToVisit = nUnvisitedNodes;
                    sol[person] = new Node[nNodesToVisit];
                    tryNodeWithMininum(person, sol[person], 0, sol[person - 1][0].name + 1);
                    sol[person] = null;
                } else {
                    // since this is not the last person, this person may visit 1 through nUnvisitedNodes nodes
                    // in a canonical solution, first node must be greater than first node visited by previous person
                    int maxVisits = nUnvisitedNodes;
                    for (int nNodesToVisit = 1; nNodesToVisit <= maxVisits; nNodesToVisit++) {
                        sol[person] = new Node[nNodesToVisit];
                        tryNodeWithMininum(person, sol[person], 0, sol[person - 1][0].name + 1);
                        sol[person] = null;

    private void tryNode(int person, Node[] personSol, int nix) {
        if (nix == personSol.length) { // this person's solution complete
            tryVehicle(person + 1);
        } else {
            for (Node candidateNode : nodes) {
                if (this.visit(candidateNode)) {
                    personSol[nix] = candidateNode;
                    tryNode(person, personSol, nix + 1);
                    personSol[nix] = null;

    private void tryNodeWithMininum(int person, Node[] personSol, int nix, int minNodeName) {
        for (Node candidateNode : nodes) {
            if (candidateNode.getName() >= minNodeName) {
                if ( this.visit(candidateNode)) {
                    personSol[nix] = candidateNode;
                    tryNode(person, personSol, nix + 1);
                    personSol[nix] = null;

    private void storeSolution() {
        Node[][] sol2 = Arrays.copyOf(sol, sol.length);
        try {

        } catch (IOException e) {

    private void readSolution(){
        try {
            ObjectInputStream input=new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("numberSols.txt"));
            int numberSol = input.readInt();
            ObjectInputStream input2=new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("Solutions.bin"));

            for(int i=0; i < numberSol; i++){
                Node[][] node = (Node[][]) input2.readObject();

        } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {


    private void print(){
        int i=1;
        for(Node[][] node: this.list){
            System.out.println("Sol "+i);
            for (int pix = 0; pix < nVehicles; pix++) {
                System.out.println(" Vehicle " + pix + " = " + Arrays.toString(node[pix]));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            new Combine();
        } catch (IOException e) {

    /** visits node if not already visited */
    public boolean visit(Node node) {
        if (node.visited) {
            return false;
        } else {
            node.visited = true;
            return true;

    /** undoes visit (that is, backtracks) */
    public void unvisit(Node node) {
        assert node.visited : node.getName();
        node.visited = false;

asked by Javi Hernandez 05.06.2016 в 13:07

1 answer


The fact is that I have made an algorithm that prints all the solutions and prints them well if I want to save them in a file, then instead of printing them I write them in a file.

Your code is quite chaotic, but the most obvious answer to your problem is that you always write the same data in the file, since your printing algorithm seems to work correctly.

Now I'm going to bet and I'll say that this is caused by the fact that you do not use the variable sol2 that you create in the method storeSolution :

private void storeSolution() {
    Node[][] sol2 = Arrays.copyOf(sol, sol.length);
    try {
        // output.writeObject(sol);
        //                    ↑ usa sol2!!!!!
    } catch (IOException e) {
answered by 06.06.2016 / 16:37