problem updating app on google play


Good morning, I have an application that I had uploaded to google play, but recently I made changes and improvements, and then, I uploaded it to the play store. all that by changing the gradle and the code version correctly. However, when I see the application in play store, in a cell phone that had already installed an earlier version, it does not come out "update" only "install" (although the new version that I put it) comes out. What would be wrong?

- graddle -

apply plugin: ''

android {  
    compileSdkVersion 23  
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.3"  
    defaultConfig {  
        applicationId '************'  
        minSdkVersion 19  
        targetSdkVersion 23  
        versionCode 3  
        versionName "2"  
    buildTypes {  
        release {  
            minifyEnabled false  
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),   ''  
            debuggable false  
            renderscriptDebuggable false  
            renderscriptOptimLevel 3  
            zipAlignEnabled true  
            jniDebuggable false  
        debug {  
            debuggable true  
    productFlavors {  
        Newapp {  

dependencies {  
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')  
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'  
    compile      ''  
    compile files('D:/AndroidStudio/Newapp/libs/ksoap2-android-assembly-3.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar')  
    compile ''  
    compile ''  
    compile ''  
asked by ICRUZ 20.07.2016 в 18:33

1 answer


First delete the cache from the Google PlayStore app.

If that does not solve it then, if you previously uploaded an application to the Google PlayStore and uploading a new version you get a message to install the problem should be the application package, if it was changed indicates that it is another application, check it in the build.gradle and in the Manifest.xml

Also remember that the versionCode must be consecutive.

answered by 21.07.2016 в 00:30