Good afternoon Community, I come with this error.
In my File iedu-angular.js I have the following:
angular.module('facturasiModulo', [])
.controller('IEDUCtrl', ['$scope', IEDUCtrl]);
function IEDUCtrl($scope){
console.log("Aqui aun vivo");
$scope.nivelEducativo = ["Prescolar", "Primaria", "Secundaria","Profesional Tecnico", "Bachillerato o su Equivalente"];
$scope.currentNivelEducativo = "Prescolar";
console.log("Termina tu JavaScrpit");
And I send it to call my iedu.html.haml in this way:
When I load the page I get the following error in the JavaScript console:
Argument 'IEDUCtrl' is not a function, got undefined
I hope you can help me.