I am calling a method of a WSDL SOAP service (with or without parameters) using Java with Spring. I call my Spring service with PostMan and this is responsible for calling SOAP WSDL.
_the_project _
I used the plugin "jaxws-maven-plugin" in version 2.5, I configured it in the POM.xml and with the command "mvn jaxws: wsimport" I managed to autogenerate the package and the classes of each SOAP WSDL method. It autogeneró enough classes, of the autogenerated I could analyze that:
For each method you generated these files:
- NomMetodoExample.java
- NomMetodoExampleCriteriaVO.java
- NomMetodoExampleOutVO.java
- NomMetodoExampleResponse.java
And others that are related to the service itself:
- NomServiceExample.java
- NomServiceExamplePortType.java (interface)
code and error
I built the code based on the examples in this link: how-to-do-a-call- through-a-javax-xml-ws-service
String wsdlURL = "";
String namespace = "http://services.juegos.com/";
String serviceName = "JuegosService";
QName serviceQN = new QName(namespace, serviceName);
JuegosService js = new JuegosService(new URL(wsdlURL),serviceQN);
JuegosServicePortType port = js.getJuegosServicePort();
ConsultaDetalladaJuegoCriteriaVO criteriaIn = new ConsultaDetalladaJuegoCriteriaVO();
ConsultaDetalladaJuegoOutVO criteriaOut = new ConsultaDetalladaJuegoOutVO();
criteriaOut = port.consultaDetalladaJuego(criteriaIn); //ERROR AQUÍ
"result": false,
"status": {
"code": "500",
"error": {
"message": "El servidor ha enviado el código de estado HTTP 200: OK",
"field": ""
Note : I avoided instantiating Service.java as in the example link and I used JuegosService.java (auto generated by jaxws) to avoid an error by not correctly pointing to the port of the service.
Any suggestions of why I could be sending an error 500 with an HTTP 200 ??
My first question !!
and thank you.