Within a C programming course that I am taking, enter the loop section (while, do-while, for, etc ...).
And within one of the practices had as goal to achieve that in the last printf
in which prints the numbers entered by the user, when you reach the last number, print it with a final point.
But I needed to figure out how to get to that part of the loop and if the if condition were fulfilled, the program would stop. So consider, since it was the final part of the program, place the return 0;
to stop it when the if is fulfilled.
What I did, even if it worked, is considered correct? and otherwise how to do it the right way?
#include <stdio.h>
#define LIMITE 10
int main() {
int tabla[LIMITE], total, suma = 0, i = 0;
do {
printf("¿Cuantos numeros quieres sumar (entre 0 y %d)?: ", LIMITE);
scanf("%d", &total);
if (total < 0 || total > LIMITE)
printf("Error. Debes introducir un numero entre 0 y %d.\n\n", LIMITE);
} while (total < 0 || total > LIMITE);
while (i < total) {
printf("\nIntroduce un numero: ");
scanf("%d", &tabla[i]);
suma += tabla[i];
printf("La suma de los numeros: ");
i = 0;
while (i < total){
if (i + 1 == total) {
printf(" %d. es %d", tabla[i], suma);
return 0;
printf(" %d,", tabla[i]);