introducir el código aquí
sFechainicio = 2018 - 6 - 5 sFechafin = 2018 - 6 - 5 sLabel="a" sName="randomname" sProject="updatetest" sComponent="SPR" sSummary="qqq" sDescription="qq" sHoras = 10 sHours = sHoras * 60 sID = Range ("A6"). Value
'Param Sheet parameters necessary for connection to Jira are collected columnIdJira = Sheets ("Params"). Range ("B4") sUsername = Sheets ("Params"). Range ("B2") 'correct user sPassword = Sheets ("Params"). Range ("B3") 'correct password 'The credentials are coded in Base64 in order to make the connection with Jira correctly sEncbase64Auth = EncodeBase64 (sUsername & ":" & sPassword) 'Cria uma Issue With JiraService
.Open "PUT", ""url"/jiraproy/rest/api/2/issue/"issuename"/editmeta", False
.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & sEncbase64Auth
sData = " { ""fields"" : ""summary"": """ & sProject & """ }"
.Send (sData)
sRestAntwort = .ResponseText
sStatus = .Status & " | " & .StatusText
End With
Set JiraService = Nothing
' Tratamento JSON
sAux = Replace(sRestAntwort, "{", "")
MsgBox sRestAntwort
Aux = Replace(sAux, "}", "")
sAux = Split(sAux, ",")
sAux = sAux(1)
sAux = Split(sAux, ":")
sAux = sAux(1)
sAux = Replace(sAux, """", "")
Range("K" & iPuntero).Value = sAux
'Gestionamos las posibles respuestas que podemos recibir de Jira
If sStatus = "201 | Created" Then
sStatus = "petición generada correctamente"
MsgBox "peticion generada correctamente: " & sAux
End If
End Sub