ajax apache 503 after 60 seconds


When making an ajax request from javascript to my server, always after 60 seconds it returns http 503 code. The other strange thing is that the script on the server finishes satisfactorily because later I check and do everything I had to do, but upon receiving 503 I can not show the correct result to the client.

On my server I use Apache, php, php-fpm.

The script takes longer because it makes a request to an api from a third party and sends two emails. In addition, it makes several requests and writes in database.

I added the following line to the script and I still have the problem


Note: the script works well on the test server but not on the production server.


The portion of the php code that is executed is the following:

$productos = $cart->getProducts();

$this->data['CodigoCompra'] = $cart->id;
$this->data['FechaCompra'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$this->data['FechaEntrega'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$this->data['MontoTotal'] = $cart->getOrderTotal();
$this->data['productos'] = array();

foreach ($productos as $producto) {
    $p = array(
        "TipoCodigoProducto" => "SKU",
        "CodigoProducto" => $producto['reference'],
        "NombreProducto" => $producto['name'],
        "CantidadProducto" => $producto['cart_quantity'],
        "PrecioUnitario" => $producto['price'],
        "Informacion" => "",
    array_push($this->data['productos'], $p);

if (empty($this->data['productos'])) {
    $oc->estado = MercadoPublicoOC::$ESTADOS[2];
    $this->ajaxDie(Tools::jsonEncode(array("error" => array("Sin productos asociados. Por favor verifique su carrito de compras"))));

$address = new Address((int)$cart->id_address_delivery);

if (!$usuario_mp->findRut($address->rut_cliente)) {
    $oc->estado = MercadoPublicoOC::$ESTADOS[2];
    $this->ajaxDie(Tools::jsonEncode(array("error" => array("Rut no encontrado"))));

$state = new State($address->id_state);

$this->data['RutComprador'] = $usuario_mp->Rut;
$this->data['CodigoUsuario'] = $usuario_mp->Codigo;
$this->data['CodigoUsuarioTienda'] = $cart->id_customer;
$this->data['DireccionDespacho'] = $address->address1 . '. ' . $address->comuna . '. ' . $state->name . '.';


$resultado = $this->CallAPI('POST', 'https://me-reservo-la-direccion/RegistroDeCompraQA/Registrar', $this->data);

if ($resultado['info']['http_code'] != 200) {
    $logger->logError('Respuesta HTTP de API de Mercado Publico invalido: ' . $resultado['info']['http_code']);
    $oc->estado = MercadoPublicoOC::$ESTADOS[2];
    $this->ajaxDie(Tools::jsonEncode(array("error" => array("Error generando Orden de Compra. Por favor, verifique en Mercado Público o intente más tarde."))));

$resultado2 = Tools::jsonDecode($resultado['response'], true);

if ($resultado2 == null) {
    $logger->logError('Resultado de API de Mercado Publico invalido: ' . $resultado['response']);
    $oc->estado = MercadoPublicoOC::$ESTADOS[2];
    $this->ajaxDie(Tools::jsonEncode(array("error" => array("Error generando Orden de Compra. Por favor, verifique en Mercado Público o intente más tarde."))));

$oc->id_cart = $cart->id;
$oc->estado = MercadoPublicoOC::$ESTADOS[1];
$oc->FechaRespuesta = $resultado2['FechaRespuesta'];
$oc->Respuesta = $resultado2['Respuesta'];
$oc->CodigoRespuesta = $resultado2['CodigoRespuesta'];
$oc->Url = $resultado2['Url'];


if ($resultado2['CodigoRespuesta'] != 1) {
    $logger->logError('Codigo de respuesta no satisfactorio: ' . $resultado['response']);
    $oc->estado = MercadoPublicoOC::$ESTADOS[2];
    $this->ajaxDie(Tools::jsonEncode(array("error" => array("Error generando Orden de Compra.".PHP_EOL.$resultado2["Respuesta"].PHP_EOL."Por favor, verifique en Mercado Público o intente más tarde."))));

$customer = new Customer($cart->id_customer);

if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
    $this->redireccionar((new Link)->getPageLink('order&step=1'));

$currency = Context::getContext()->currency;
$total = (float)$cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH);

$this->module->validateOrder((int)$cart->id, Configuration::get('PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_UNPAID'), $total, $this->module->displayName, NULL, NULL, (int)$currency->id, false, $customer->secure_key);
$this->redireccionar((new Link)->getPageLink('order-confirmation&id_cart='.(int)$cart->id.'&id_module='.(int)$this->module->id.'&id_order='.$this->module->currentOrder.'&key='.$customer->secure_key));

Use prestashop

asked by Enmy Pérez Moncada 09.08.2017 в 17:09

1 answer


this is due to the execution time limit that has php in php.ini , in fact you should modify the directive max_execution_time and max_input_time , these parameters are the ones that actually have to do with the time it can last running a script in php, in the following image I show you the directives that you should manipulate to facilitate the execution of your php script

answered by 01.10.2017 в 23:20