The purpose of the query is to show all the rows in the table "questionsService Operator"; except those in "correctResponse" have a value greater than 3 and except in the table "repliesTestUsuario" does not mention that numberQuestion.
It is intended that if a user answers a question well 4 times, it is understood that he has learned it, so the program adds up. Then the query should not show the questions if in "correct answers" there is a value greater than 3.
PROBLEM: With the query that I show, I get all the questions that appear in the table AnswersTestUsuario, but not all those that are not mentioned in the table "AnswersTestUsuario".
FROM preguntasOperarioDeServicios
INNER JOIN respuestasTestUsuario
ON preguntasOperarioDeServicios.numeroPregunta=respuestasTestUsuario.numeroPregunta
WHERE idUsuario LIKE 30
AND respuestasTestUsuario.modalidadPreguntas LIKE 'operarioDeServicios'
AND respuestasTestUsuario.respuestasCorrectas<4
As an example, since numberQuestion 1 has the answer Correct 4, question 1 should not be selected. But if question 2 and 3 and 4 (also although it is not in this table) and 5 (even if it is not in this table) and 6 (also although it is not in this table), etc ... But since in the table repliesTestUsuario does not make reference to the numberQuestion 4,5,6, etc, the query does not return them to me.
I hope to have explained myself, it is not easy to explain. ;)