Notice: Undefined offset: 5


explain: that error I get when I want to access data conditioned by date and type of expense, how much I spent on a provider that day, here the code to make it more understandable, to start using Smarty PHP a framework that is quite outdated.

    if (isset($_GET['fecha']) and $_GET['fecha']!="")

$cant_dias_mes = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $mes, $anyo); // 31
$ultimo_dia_mes= $cant_dias_mes;

$obj_proveedores=lista_proveedores('', $conn);


for ($a=0;$a<=$cant_dias_mes;$a++)
    // Calculamos el dia
    $nuevafecha = strtotime ( '+'.$a.' day' , strtotime ( $anyo."-".$mes."-01" ) ) ;
    $fecha_temp=date ( 'Y-m-d' , $nuevafecha );

    for ($b=0; $b < $obj_proveedores['count']; $b++) { 
        $obj_gastos[$a][$b]=carga_gastos($fecha_temp, $obj_proveedores[$b]['id_proveedor'],'', $conn);

        for ($c=0; $c < $obj_gastos[$a][$b]['count']; $c++) {
            if ($obj_gastos[$a][$b][$c]['tipo'] == 10) {
                $obj_gastos = $obj_gastos[$a][$b][$c];
                // var_dump($obj_gastos[$a][$b][$c]);
    // Gastos
// var_dump($obj_gastos);


the error jumps in the third for ($c) ...

asked by juank 27.12.2018 в 18:27

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