I need to do the following, with Swiper Js, that by clicking on an element, that slide is shown. As they do here: link but I do not get it ..
- My code:
$ (document) .ready (function () {
function setContentSize () {$ ('. swiper-content'). css ({height: $ (window) .height () - $ ('. swiper-nav'). height ()})}
/ ALL / var contentSwiper = new Swiper (". swiper-content", {mode: "horizontal", queueStartCallbacks: true, autoplay: true, loop: true, allowTouchMove: true, reloadImages: false, lazy: true,
onSlideChangeStart: function (swiper) {navSwiper.swipeTo (swiper.activeLoopIndex, 100, false)},
onSlideChangeEnd: function (swiper) {
if (swiper! = null & & swiper! = undefined & & amp;
navSwiper! = null & & navSwiper! = undefined) {
if (swiper.activeLoopIndex! = navSwiper.activeLoopIndex) {
navSwiper.swipeTo (swiper.activeLoopIndex, 100, false);
/ * PORTFOLIO UP var mySwiper = new Swiper ('. Swiper-container .swiper-slide-top', {mode: "horizontal", lazyLoading: true, watchSlidesVisibility: 1, slideToClickedSlide: true}) * /
/ PORTFOLIO UNDER / var navSwiper = new Swiper (". swiper-nav", {slidesPerView: "auto", loop: true, createPagination: false, initialSlide: '0',
moveStartThreshold: 10, queueStartCallbacks: true, simulateTouch: true, initialSlide: 0,
onSlideClick: function (swiper) {
var ls = swiper.loopedSlides;
var slideIndex = swiper.clickedSlideIndex - ls;
if (slideIndex >= swiper.slides.length - ls*2) {
slideIndex = swiper.slides.length - ls*2 - slideIndex;
if (slideIndex<0) {
slideIndex = -slideIndex;
navSwiper.swipeTo(slideIndex, 100, true);
onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper){
contentSwiper.swipeTo( swiper.activeLoopIndex, 0, false )
- URL of the website in question: link
Thank you!