I have not managed to connect OpenLDAP with Yii2 using the plugin Edvlerblog \ Adldap2, the configuration of the connection is as follows:
'ad' => [
'class' => 'Edvlerblog\Adldap2\Adldap2Wrapper',
'providers' => [
'default' => [
//Connect this provider on initialization of the LdapWrapper automatically
'autoconnect' => true,
'schema' => new \Adldap\Schemas\OpenLDAP(),
'config' => [
'account_suffix' => '@gporellana.gob.ec',
'domain_controllers' => ['zimbra.gporellana.gob.ec'],
'base_dn' => 'dc=gporellana,dc=gob,dc=ec',
'admin_username' => 'uid=readldap,cn=users,cn=zimbra',
'admin_password' => 'mypassword',
//Enable SSL
//'port' => 636,
// 'use_ssl' => true,
// 'use_tls' => true,
//another provider
The error that is generated when wanting to import users from the console is as follows. If someone can give me an idea of what is happening, I have read several forums but I can not find the problem