I'm new to SQL and I want to make a page as a new user record, and that this information is stored in a table, (this part I already have) The problem is that when creating a new user, I have 2 tables, one of companies and another of users, then .. when clicking on the user save button or create user, the same user ID of the User table must be the same user ID of the company table. The trigger that I currently have creates 2 rows, one with the information I need in the columns that I need except the ID, the other line of record leaves all the columns null, and the ID registers it.
How can I make it so that the same ID is registered in a single line?
this is the trigger that I currently have:
create or replace trigger compania_trigger
before insert or update on usuarios
for each row
if inserting then
if :new.compania_id is null then
into :new.compania_id
from dual;
end if;
:new.created := sysdate;
end if;
if inserting or updating then
:new.updated := sysdate;
end if;
insert into empresas(compania_id) values (:new.compania_id);