I would like to print the processing of a route that is done by a CSV but when I read it I printed line by line in vertical, not horizontal, at this moment the script works correctly, it creates a text file and shows me the log of the records that it traveled, but it goes horizontal and not vertical for each line of the CSV
echo "" > errors.txt
while IFS=, read col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9
let countRow=countRow+1
echo -e "\n Procesando linea $countRow : \n" >> errors.txt
echo "_________________________________"
echo "Nombre del Sitio de Proveedor ->[${col1}]"
echo "NIT del proveedor -> [${col2}]"
echo "Email de notificación -> [${col3}]"
echo "Grupo de contenido -> [${col4}]"
echo "CODE -> [${col5}]"
echo "COD S1ESA -> [${col6}]"
echo "CODE NUEVO -> [${col7}]"
echo "ACTIVO -> [${col8}]"
indeed the script works, but the txt file looks like this:
Processing line 1: Supplier not found from nit NIT. Processing line 2:
What I want is for it to come out like this:
Processing line 1: Supplier not found from nit NIT.
Processing line 2: Supplier etc etc