I am reading a text file that has several CrLFs (at least 2 or more) and wishes to replace them with dashed lines or another character ...
this image is taken from notepad ++
What I have tried is this code ...
public static string ReplaceLineFeedToDelimiter(string input, string replace)
string pattern = @"\r\n";
Regex rx = new Regex(pattern);
if (rx.IsMatch(input))
return rx.Replace(input, replace);
return "";
Where input - > line where I look for the / r / n and replace - > the character that I want to replace. in a routine where I go through the stream ...
using (StreamWriter sWriter = new StreamWriter(MyNewFile, false, Encoding.UTF8, 1))
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(myFile))
sWriter.WriteLine(ReplaceLineFeedToDelimiter(line, "*"));
This I have not been able to achieve, I do not know if the pattern of the regex is well configured ... the result is the same crlf ...
- CrLf
- CrLf
- CrLf
- CrLf
and what I need is to change those 2 or more for a "---" or another special character