Problem with maven exec plugin: Unable to access jarfile


I am generating a jar with maven and I would like to run it using maven but I get an error.

This is my plugin configuration in the pom :


Which I learned from stackoverflow .

By running the command mvn install exec:exec -X I get the path of the jar while doing the install as

Building jar: C:\Users\ruslan.lopez\IdeaProjects\farmacia\target\farmacia-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

And the execution of the exec gives me the trace:

[DEBUG]   (f) arguments = [-jar, target/farmacia-1.0-jar-with-depencencies.jar]
[DEBUG]   (f) basedir = C:\Users\ruslan.lopez\IdeaProjects\farmacia
[DEBUG]   (f) classpathScope = runtime
[DEBUG]   (f) executable = java
[DEBUG]   (f) failWithEmptyArgument = true
[DEBUG]   (f) failWithNullKeyOrValueInEnvironment = true
[DEBUG]   (f) longClasspath = false
[DEBUG]   (f) project = MavenProject: @ C:\Users\ruslan.lopez\IdeaProjects\farmacia\pom.xml
[DEBUG]   (f) skip = false
[DEBUG]   (f) session = org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession@376e7531
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[DEBUG] Executing command line: [java, -jar, target/farmacia-1.0-jar-with-depencencies.jar]

Error: Unable to access jarfile target / pharmacy-1.0-jar-with-depencencies.jar

asked by Ruslan López 12.12.2018 в 09:47

1 answer


Foolish me, I was wrong writing the name of the jar


It should be

answered by 12.12.2018 / 09:58