You see, I'm working with 3 models, the property, the type of property and the location of the property, it happens that the type of property and the location of the property are attributes of the property (it should be noted that they are in relation one to one, that is, a property has only one type of property and only one location), the problem is that I do not know how to relate them in the correct way in Laravel, for example when creating a property, I want a form in your form that shows the existing options in the table (database) of types of real estate, that is to say if in the table of the database I have:
In the select should leave these same options available
I would also like someone to explain to me more thoroughly the use of methods that return things like:
return $this->hasOne('App\Phone', 'foreign_key');
These are the methods of defining a relationship, such as One to many, many to many or one to one (I attach the laravel documentation: link )
I did not understand Laravel's documentation very well and I did not understand how these methods should be used, thank you very much.