Asp.Net WebGrid upload data through Ajax


I have a WebGrid, which I can load without problems through the past model in sight (MVC C # .net). Until there is no problem.

But the need arises to be able to load another WebGrid control, but for that I need as parameter the Id of the selected registry in the previous WebGrid. and to get the data I have a call to the controller through ajax, but I can not pass the data to the second webgrid even though I have specified the ajaxUpdateCallback parameter giving it the name of the function that makes the ajax call.

this is my code

definition of the webgrid that I want to load through ajax

    WebGrid gridProcesosKam = new WebGrid(null, null, null, 8, true, true, ajaxUpdateCallback: "GetProcesosKam", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "DivProcesosKam");

In this case, the promer parameter corresponding to the model is null.

here is the function JS that calls brings the data

function GetProcesosKam() {
    var KamId = 12;  // dato de pruebas
    var parametrosAjax = {
        "sKamId": KamId
    type: 'POST',
    async: false,
    data: JSON.stringify(parametrosAjax),
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    url: '@Url.Action("GetProcesosKam", "Proceso")',
        success: function (lstProcesosKam) {
        error: function (error) {
            var msgError = 'Error en el procesamiento de los proceso...';

this is the body of the webgrid

<div id="DivProcesosKam" class="display">
   fillEmptyRows: true,
   alternatingRowStyle: "fila-alternativa",
   headerStyle: "encabezado-grid",
   footerStyle: "pie-grid",
   mode: WebGridPagerModes.All,
   firstText: "<< Primera",
   previousText: "< Anterior",
   nextText: "Siguiente >",
   lastText: "Última >>",
   columns: new[] {
   gridProcesosKam.Column("Fecha", format: p=>p.Fecha.ToShortDateString()),
                    header: "Acciones",
                    format: @<text>
                    @Html.ActionLink("Cargar",   "UploadFile",   new { sProcesoId=item.ProcesoId } )
                    @Html.ActionLink("Ver", "GetFichasProceso", new { sProcesoId=item.ProcesoId} )

When I run, a message appears telling me that I need a data source.

Can someone give me a hand with this? What am I doing wrong? is this how data is loaded in a webgrid through ajax?

Greetings and thanks for reading.

asked by Luis Gabriel Fabres 11.12.2018 в 15:06

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