I'm using Ev2 U3.
I'm having trouble making a build of a main procedure
After all, the error appears as:
========== DummyGenerarSello Compilation started ========== gxexec "C: \ Models \ SNAP_Ev2_EBG \ CSharpModel \ web \ bldadummygenerarsello.cs" -r: GxBaseBuilder.dll -arg: csc="C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework64 \ v4.0.30319 \ csc.exe" The file could not be found 'C: \ Models \ SNAP_Ev2_EBG \ CSharpModel \ web \ bldadummygenerarsello.cs'. DummyGenerateSello Compilation Failed ========== Web config update started ========== Updating web config ... Web config update Success Build With This Only Failed
The part that catches my attention is that of not being able to find the file BLDxxxxx.cs
What do I need to do in order for GeneXus to generate this file?
Greetings and thanks in advance!