Problem with library FS.h Error "ets Jan 8 2013, rst cause: 2, boot mode: (3,7) ets_main.c" # 5466


Esimates I have a Nodemcu 1.0 V3 CH340 - when using the example of the Arduino IDE ESP8266 / ConfigFile of the Arduino IDE I load the program with "ESP8266 Scketch Data Upload" (according to instructions of link ) - with the corresponding file" config.json "inside the data folder. The problem is that the serial monitor gives me the following error "ets Jan 8 2013, rst cause: 2, boot mode: (3,7) ets_main.c". To read it I have to set it to 74880 baud

Libraries: I am using the latest version of the ArduinoJson.h library (version 6.6.0 Beta) Probe with several previous versions and nothing version 5.10 - V 5.5 - etc.

IDE Arduino version 1.8.7

S.O. Windows 10 64 bits

Try with other plates with the same characteristics "ESP8266 NodemCu 1.0 V3 CH340" free of all electonic connections and it gives me the same problem.

Config.json file

"serverName": "yourSERVER",
"accessToken": "passWoRd"

Hardware:   [ESP-12|X|X|X|X]
Core Version:   [latest git hash or date]
Development Env:    [Arduino IDE|x|xr]
Operating System:   [Windows|x|x]
Settings in IDE
Module: Nodemcu ESP12 - V3 CH340-
Flash Mode: [qio|dio|other]
Flash Size: [4MB/1MB]
lwip Variant: |v2 Lower Memory
Reset Method:
Flash Frequency:
CPU Frequency:  [80Mhz|
Upload Using:   SERIAL]
Upload Speed: [115200
Problem Description
al usar el ejemplo del IDE Arduino ESP8266 / ConfigFile del IDE de Arduino cargo el programa con "ESP8266 Scketch Data Upload" - con el correspondiente archivo "config.json" dentro de la carpeta data. El problema es que el serial monitor me da el siguiente error "ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7) ets_main.c". Para poder leerlo lo tengo que setear en 74880 baudios
asked by Gaston206 10.12.2018 в 04:43

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