ASP add column data


I have a table where a column shows me the different percentages obtained from the monthly assistance, but I want to obtain my annual attendance in percentage, that is to add all the percentages that I have been carrying so far

<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12"style="overflow-y:auto;">
    <h1 class="text-center" style="margin-bottom:1em;"><strong>Porcentaje Personal Capacitado</strong></h1>
    <table id="lista" class="table table-hover table-bordered bootstrap-datatable datatable dataTable">
                <th>% mensual de capacitacion</th>


<%      for i = lbound(datos ,2) to ubound(datos ,2)%>


                <!--F Registro-->

  <%        next %>

I want to show at the end of the table in a row in result but I do not know how to add all the data, there is some way to do it in ASP. Thanks

asked by Daniela 19.12.2018 в 18:40

1 answer


You could do it by accumulating in a variable the sum of everything that you are showing in the last column, and later, when you finish executing the loop, show a new row with the result:

dim resultadoFinal

end result = 0

for i = lbound (data, 2) to ubound (data, 2)     end result = end result + (round ((data (2, i) * 100) / data (3, i), 2))



            <!--F Registro-->


  <%        next %>

<td><%=round(resultadoFinal, 2)%>%</td>


I hope it serves you.

answered by 20.12.2018 в 09:50