Hello everyone I have a problem with the fast-excel library in laravel 5.4 .. in my local version it works without problem but in the server I get the following error.
(1/1) FatalErrorException Class 'Rap2hpoutre \ FastExcel \ FastExcel' not found in ExcelController.php line 90
or sometimes depending on the lowercase / uppercase settings you make, it tells me
(1/1) ErrorException Class 'Rap2hpoutre \ FastExcel \ Facades \ FastExcel' not found in AliasLoader.php line 79
in my controller I have at the beginning ...
use Rap2hpoutre\FastExcel\FastExcel.php;
When I try to call the function I put it like this:
(this is line 90)
$collection = \FastExcel::import($file, function ($line) {
or so:
$collection = (new FastExcel)->import($file, function ($line) {
but still gives error ..
in app / config in aliases I have
'FastExcel' => Rap2hpoutre\Fastexcel\Facades\FastExcel::class,
I do not understand what may be happening ..