Program to count the vowels of a chain


"Perform a call_count_name () function that receives as an argument any string and returns the number of vowels present in the string."

def contar_vocales(x):
    for i in len(cad):
        if cad[i]=='a' or cad[i]=='e'or cad[i]=='i' or cad[i]=='o' or cad[i]=='u' or cad[i]=='A'or cad[i]=='E' or cad[i]=='I' or cad[i]=='O'or cad[i]=='U':
        return voc

cad = raw_input('')
print contar_vocales(cad)

When I run it, it says "iteration over non-sequence" on lines 5 and 14.

I tried to solve it in several ways, but I am far from being able to solve it.

Thinking a little more I came to this program, but it does not count the vowels, but it puts:




def contar_vocales(x):
    for letra in c:
        if 'a' in c:
        if 'e' in c:
        if 'i' in c:
        if 'o' in c:
        if 'u' in c:
    return total


c=str('mi cadena')
print contar_vocales(c)
asked by Luu 04.11.2017 в 20:53

4 answers


You are making a mix of for in with indexing (using range ) to traverse the string. You must choose one way or another, although the most efficient and readable option is to use for in . On the other hand the return must be outside the for . You just have to do:

def contar_vocales(cad):
    voc = 0
    for c in cad:
        if c == 'a' or c == 'e' or c == 'i' or c =='o' or c == 'u' or c == 'A' or c == 'E' or c == 'I' or c =='O' or c == 'U':
    return voc

cad = raw_input('')
print contar_vocales(cad)

Another option is to use in in the conditional, for example:

def contar_vocales(cad):
    voc = 0
    for c in cad:
        if c in "aeiouAEIOU":
            voc = voc + 1
    return voc

Or another more efficient option using sum and iterators and a set:

def contar_vocales(cad):
    return sum(c in {"a", "A", "e", "E", "i", "I", "o", "O", "u", "U"} for c in cad)

Keep in mind that you do not have vowels with accents or other accents.

answered by 04.11.2017 / 21:06

FJSevilla gave an excellent answer that explains the underlying problem, as always. I thought I could complement with 2 more options:

With map() :

We generate an iterator on each vowel with map () , counting each vowel in the text , and then add the total of each vowel.

def contar_vocales(texto):
    return sum(map(texto.lower().count, "aeiouáéíóúü"))

With a regular expression:

Using re for this may be too much, but if it is already used elsewhere in the code, I like how it is. re.findall () returns all matches of the regular expression in the text as one list, which we then have len () .

import re

def contar_vocales(texto):
    return len(re.findall("[aeiouáéíóíúü]", texto, re.IGNORECASE))
  • [aeiouáéíóíúü] is a class of characters. That is, it matches one of the characters included in the brackets.
answered by 04.11.2017 в 22:28

Using your style I think you forgot that the return must go outside the for and that the for are used with a range

def contar_vocales(x):
    for i in range(0,len(cad)):
        if cad[i]=='a' or cad[i]=='e'or cad[i]=='i' or cad[i]=='o' or \
        cad[i]=='u' or cad[i]=='A'or cad[i]=='E' or cad[i]=='I' or \
        cad[i]=='O'or cad[i]=='U':
    return voc
answered by 04.11.2017 в 21:15

I think the best way to implement it is like this

extrn ExitProcess : PROC

    cadena DB 'cadena para sacar vocales', 0
    Completo DB 0

longitud PROC
    pop r15
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    mov rdi, [rsp]+8
    mov r12, 0

        mov bl, [rdi]
        cmp bl, 0
        je salir

        cmp bl, 61h ; vocal a
        je sumar

        cmp bl, 65h ; vocal e
        je sumar

        cmp bl, 69h ; vocal i
        je sumar

        cmp bl, 6Fh ; vocal o
        je sumar

        cmp bl, 75h ; vocal u
        je sumar

        inc rdi
        jmp recorrer

        inc r12
        inc rdi
        jmp recorrer

        pop rbp
        push r12
        push r15
longitud ENDP

inicio PROC

    lea r13, cadena
    push r13
    call longitud
    pop rax
    call ExitProcess
inicio ENDP

answered by 04.06.2018 в 20:28