I have part of this code php
, where you are doing insert
to the table inventory_list
, but what I need is that it depends on that you have selected in fkCategory
, fkLocation
and fkSubCat
that refer to id
of the data.
Select name_category
of the table category
, name_sub
of the table sub_category
and numFile
which is the new id autoincrementable that was generated when the insert was made, obtain these data and concatenate them in this way:
c.name_category+ "00"+ idSub + "00"+ numFile
It would stay like this:
And that is inserted in the field id_item
This is the codigo
$query = 'INSERT INTO inventory_list
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);';
$query2="SELECT c.name_category,sc.idSub,i.numFile
from inventory_list
inner join category as c on id_category =fkCategory
inner join sub_category as sc on idSub =fkSubCat where numFile = ?"
//guardar datos
//insert en campo id_item -> c.name_category+ "00"+ idSub + "00"+ numFile
$result = $connection->executeNonQuery($query,array($_POST['id_item'], $_POST['description_item'],
$_POST['price_item'] ,$_POST['manufacturer'],
$_POST['model_item'], $_POST['reorder_Level'],
$_POST['target_Stock'], $_POST['imageName'],
$hoy, $_POST['commentt'] ,$_POST['fkEngineer'],
if ($result > 0)
How could I do it?