I've been testing firebird for the first time, using node-firebird to connect, but apparently it seems to connect it does not show any results, it stays on hold without doing anything.
The code is the standard of the documentation, and I have already looked for any reference to a similar error and I have not found any solution.
var Firebird = require('node-firebird');
var options = {};
options.host = '';
options.port = 3050;
options.database = 'E:/DevelopResources/LAB/2013.fdb';
options.user = 'SYSDBA';
options.password = 'masterkey';
options.lowercase_keys = false; // set to true to lowercase keys
options.role = null; // default
options.pageSize = 4096; // default when creating database
Firebird.attach(options, function(err, db) {
if (err)
throw err;
// db = DATABASE
db.query('SELECT * FROM CLIENTE', function(err, result) {
// IMPORTANT: close the connection
The database works on other clients.
Database "2013.fdb"
Database header page information:
Flags 0
Checksum 12345
Generation 10501
Page size 4096
ODS version 11.0
Oldest transaction 806
Oldest active 10471
Oldest snapshot 10471
Next transaction 10493
Bumped transaction 1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID 44
Implementation ID 16
Shadow count 0
Page buffers 0
Next header page 0
Database dialect 3
Creation date Jul 10, 2013 10:21:43
Attributes force write
Variable header data:
Sweep interval: 20000
As I said, I do not know which is a problem because it does not report any type of error.