I want to make a table with a datagridview to enter with textbox data for example a column that is of loan another of interest another of payment to the week and the last the total In the total goes the result of the operation of (loan * interest) + loan - pegosemanal = TOTAL
Then I want the data grid to fill up until the TOTAL results in 0
btnCalcular code
//Nuevos renglones
int nuevo = dgvTablaCalculo.Rows.Add();
decimal prestamo = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrestamo.Text);
int interes = Convert.ToInt32(txtInteres.Text);
decimal dinteres = (decimal)interes / 100;
decimal pagoSemanal = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPagoSemanal.Text);
decimal total = (prestamo * dinteres) + prestamo - pagoSemanal;
dgvTablaCalculo.Rows[nuevo].Cells[0].Value = prestamo;
dgvTablaCalculo.Rows[nuevo].Cells[1].Value = interes;
dgvTablaCalculo.Rows[nuevo].Cells[2].Value = pagoSemanal;
dgvTablaCalculo.Rows[nuevo].Cells[3].Value = total;
//total = (prestamo * interes) + prestamo - pagoSemanal;
txtPrestamo.Text = "";
txtInteres.Text = "";
txtPagoSemanal.Text = "";