Hi, I'm new to programming, but I'm using PowerSHELL, and I want to make a script showing the permissions of a user.
I already achieve it only that it shows me all the permits and they can not see all of them
Function Get-UserPermission
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties DisplayName,memberof -SearchBase
"OU=Reynosa,OU=HMD,OU=AMR,OU=MAC,DC=emrsn,DC=org" |
where {$_.samAccountName -match $Identity} | format-table DisplayName, Memberof
PS C: > Get-UserPermission -Identity karina
DisplayName Memberof
----------- -------- Garcia, Karina {CN = HM REY HALLFAMEDASH, OU = HM REY File Shares, OU = Groups, OU = Reynosa, OU = HMD, OU = AMR, OU = MAC, DC = emrsn, DC = org, C ... Gaspar, Karina [COMRES / HM / REY] {CN = EC MDM Global VelocityEHS, OU = Groups, OU = STL, OU = Corporate, OU = AMR, OU = Corporate, DC = emrsn, DC = org, CN = DL All ...
but I can not see all the permissions
How can I take a jump x each, ??