How to get the compressed pixels in a PNG file


I've been trying to get the information from a PNG file to be later visualized in a desktop application, the problem arises when trying to get the information of the pixels because as I understand these are compressed.

Well I have managed to obtain the eigenvalues of the CMF and the FLG as well as the values of the ADLER32, but I have not been able to obtain the compressed data as it should, as I have investigated it is in a deflated format in ZL using the algorithm Huffman, so I wanted to know what is the appropriate way to decode the data, because I understand that there are three bits within the first byte that indicate the correct way to decode the data, but nevertheless the pages that I have investigated turn out to be somewhat ambiguous with the information it presents or, failing that, explaining it in a way that is difficult for someone completely new to understand on those topics.

It should be noted that the bits shown on the right side of the image are those that I need to decompress.

asked by Carlos Alexander 04.12.2018 в 19:22

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