.htaccess does not redirect correctly 404 Not Found


I have the following .htaccess that redirects with rewriteRule but does not make some addresses.

RewriteRule ^/nosotros/?$ /info/about.html
RewriteRule ^/privacidad/?$ /info/privacy.html
RewriteRule ^/condiciones/?$ /info/terms.html

The above are redirects that do not, the directory is as it says the htacces but still can not find the route

There are other rules that it does meet, only you are not working

.htacces Complete:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^reestablecer/(\w+)/?$ /php/session/public/restoreForm.html

RewriteRule ^/home/?$ /user.html
RewriteRule ^/administrar/?$ /admin.html
RewriteRule ^/?$ /app.html

RewriteRule ^/reestablecer/(\w+)/?$ /php/session/public/restoreForm.html

RewriteRule ^/nosotros/?$ /info/about.html
RewriteRule ^/privacidad/?$ /info/privacy.html
RewriteRule ^/condiciones/?$ /info/terms.html

How can I solve it?

asked by Emiliano Pamont 04.12.2018 в 21:59

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