I am developing a site and I have a problem with the template AdminLTE . I'm not a CSS expert by any means, but the problem arises that my content, just a div that thanks to ACE Editor becomes a text editor, exceeds the given margins and is superimposed on the footer.
I leave some images to show the inconvenience; I tried to solve it by applying some rules but without positive result.
#html, body
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
position: absolute;
height: 73%;
width: 81%;
font-family: Monaco,Menlo,"Ubuntu Mono",Consolas,source-code-pro,monospace !important;
I suppose that internally the AdminLTE template will use mediaqueries to be able to adjust the width-height of each screen. The problem arises when the screen is re-adjusted, the central div overlaps the footer.
Of course, thank you very much for everything and any comments (constructive / educational) is welcome:).