Change of status in PHP


I am doing a api to change the status of an item within an inventory, for certain processes the change can be applied.

else if(isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['x']))
       $connection = new MySqlServerConnection();
        $query1 = 'SELECT quantity-2, reorder_Level FROM inventory_list WHERE id= ?';
        $result1 = $connection->executeQuery($query1,array($_POST['id']));
        echo $result1[0][0];
        echo $result1[0][1];
         if (intval($result1[0][0]) == intval($result1[0][1]))
            $query = 'UPDATE inventory_list SET status = 2 WHERE  id = ?';
            $result = $connection->executeNonQueryWithReturn($query,array($_POST['id']));
            $query = 'UPDATE Supplies SET status = 1 WHERE  id = ?';
            $result = $connection->executeNonQueryWithReturn($query,array($_POST['id']));
                    if ($result == 1)
                      echo json_encode(array(
                        'status' => '0',
                        'errorMessage' => 'articulo cambio status'
                      echo json_encode(array(
                        'status' => '2',
                        'errorMessage' => 'articulo no cambio status'
        else if(isset($_POST['id']))
        $connection = new MySqlServerConnection();
        $query1 = 'SELECT quantity, reorder_Level FROM inventory_list WHERE id = ?';
        $result1 = $connection->executeQuery($query1,array($_POST['id']));
        	if (intval($result1[0][0]) <= intval($result1[0][1]))
              $query = 'UPDATE inventory_list SET status = 3 WHERE  id = ?';
              $result = $connection >executeNonQuery($query,array($_POST['id']));
        	$query = 'UPDATE inventory_list SET status = 0 WHERE  id = ?';
        	$result = $connection->executeNonQuery($query,array($_POST['id']));
              if ($result == 0)
                echo json_encode(array(
                  'status' => '0',
                  'errorMessage' => 'articulo cambio status'
                echo json_encode(array(
                  'status' => '2',
                  'errorMessage' => 'articulo no cambio status'

This is based on quantity and reorder_level(cantidad minima) , in the first query I'm trying to change it to status 2 if my current quantity is about to end with% difference% co_, so the rest is that amount from the beginning.

Example: If my 2 is reorder_level and my current quantity is 2 , subtracting 4 from the beginning this would be equal to my minimum amount in stock so there is a difference of 2 for this to end, and change the% co_from% to 2. Otherwise, change to 2 status .

In the next status if my quantity is equal to or less than my 1 then it changes to else if , because it is below the minimum, otherwise it changes to reorder_level


0 = the article is inactive.


1 = the article is active.


2 = the article is about to end.


3 = the article is below its minimum.

In code does not give any error, executes but does not fulfill the function, does not change status 3 , the intermediate processes may be that add more units to status 0 or be removed. That's when you run the status .

asked by Pato 29.11.2018 в 19:22

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