I'm trying to print two columns of a MySQL
query in the console using the following code:
public void cargarHorario()
DataTable tabla1 = new DataTable();
maestro.NoMaestro = 23041;
int noFilas = tabla1.Rows.Count;
for (noFilas = 0; noFilas < tabla1.Rows.Count; noFilas++)
Console.WriteLine($"{tabla1.Rows[noFilas]["dia"].ToString()} {tabla1.Rows[noFilas]["hora"].ToString()}");
The problem is that running the application generates an error of type IndexOutOfRangeException
. However, when obtaining the total number of rows with tabla1.Rows.Count
I realized that this always returns a value minus the result of my query. If I send one that should give me 18, my count is 17. On the other hand, when I see the results of the console, the first row of the query is not, the impression starts from the second. Does anyone know what may be happening?
My code where I get the query is:
public static MySqlDataReader seleccionarHorarioMaestro(Maestro maestro)
string instruccionSQL = $@"select * from materias_grupos_horario
inner join
materias_grupo on claveMateriaHorario = claveMateriaGrupo
and grupoMateriaHorario = grupo
inner join
maestros on noMaestroGrupo = noMaestro
noMaestro = @noMaestro;";
MySqlCommand consulta = ejecutarConsulta(instruccionSQL);
asignarParametros(consulta, maestro);
MySqlDataReader reader = consulta.ExecuteReader();
return reader;
public static void asignarParametros(MySqlCommand consulta, Maestro maestro)
consulta.Parameters.AddWithValue("@noMaestro", maestro.NoMaestro);
consulta.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nombreMaestro", maestro.NombreMaestro);
public static MySqlCommand ejecutarConsulta(string sentenciaSQL)
using (MySqlCommand consulta = new MySqlCommand(sentenciaSQL, ConexionBDSingleton.Conexion))
return consulta;
And the connection I'm making using a singleton:
class ConexionBDSingleton
private static MySqlConnection instancia = null;
private static readonly object padlock = new object();
private ConexionBDSingleton() { }
public static MySqlConnection Conexion
lock (padlock)
if (instancia == null)
MySqlConnection conexion = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["IngenieriaDB"].ToString());
return conexion;
return instancia;
Thank you.