I have a problem.
I have 2 tables (Matricula and ValorAsistencia) that are related to an intermediate table "Assistances" (many to many).
What I want is to make a query that shows me data of the first table, and then a column with the sum of the data of the second related to that first table. Something like this:
In case it helps, the tables in question are the following:
The only thing I could do was:
var agrupacion = from m in db.matricula
join a in db.asistencia on m.id equals a.matriculaid
group a by a.matriculaid into grupo
join ma in db.matricula on grupo.firstordefault().matriculaid equals
select new
Faltas = grupo.count(), //Solo pude contar la cantidad de Asistencias y lo que necesito es sumar el valor de cada una.