Comparison of two battery elements


Good, I'm doing a job for my university, this consists among other things in inserting caracateres in 3 batteries, 1 of them has a sequence which we want to find in the other 2 batteries.

The problem is that in the method Comparar that I will leave next I miss an error that also has to do with the method pop of the stack, I will leave the code and the error that jumps to see if I could help.

(the code is not complete, I only have the comparison of the first stack with the sequence stack).

Class of the stack:

public class Pila {
    char elementos[];
    int tope;

    public Pila(int n) {
        elementos= new char[n];
        tope = -1;

    public boolean empty(){
        if(tope == -1){
            return true;
            return false;

    public boolean full(){
        if(elementos.length-1 == tope){
            return true;
            return false;

    public void push(char a){

    char aux;
    public char pop(){
       aux= elementos[tope];
       return aux;

    public char peek(){
        return elementos[tope];

    public void mostrar(){
       for(int i=0;i<elementos.length;i++){
           System.out.print(elementos[i]+", ");


/*metodos de comparacion, copia(ya que tengo que comparar con el pop y no quiero que se e elimine la pila original) y  el main*/

public class Tarea2 {

    //cmetodod para comparar 
    public static boolean Comparar(Pila x,Pila primera){
        // se copian las pilas a comparar
        Pila copia1=copia(x); // pila con secuencia
        Pila copiaprimera= copia(primera);// pila a comparar con la secuencia

       for(int i =0;i<=x.tope;i++){
        for(int i =0;i<=x.tope;i++){
        int contador=0;

        char c= copia1.pop();
        char b= copiaprimera.pop();

        // a continuacion se comparan los caracteres de la pila
        while(contador < 3){
            return true;
        return false;

    public static Pila copia(Pila original){
        Pila copia = new Pila(original.elementos.length);

        for(int i=0; i<copia.elementos.length;i++){
        return copia;
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner teclado = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("Ingrese una serie de caracteres para la primera pila: ");
        String x = teclado.nextLine();

        Pila primera = new Pila(x.length());

        for( int i=0; i<x.length();i++){
            primera.elementos[i]= x.charAt(i);


        System.out.println("Ingrese una serie de caracteres para la segunda pila: ");
        String y = teclado.nextLine();

        Pila segunda = new Pila(y.length());

        for( int i=0; i<y.length();i++){
            segunda.elementos[i]= y.charAt(i);


        System.out.println("Ingrese una serie de caracteres para la pila secuencia: ");
        String z = teclado.nextLine();

        Pila secuencia = new Pila(z.length());

        for( int i=0; i<z.length();i++){
            secuencia.elementos[i]= z.charAt(i);

        // llama a a la funcion para comparar



This is the error you sent me:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:   -1 at tarea2.Pila.pop ( at tarea2.Tarea2.Comparar ( at   task2.Tarea2.main (   C: \ Users \ User \ AppData \ Local \ NetBeans \ Cache \ 8.2 \ executor-snippets \ run.xml: 53:   Java returned: 1 BUILD FAILED (total time: 22 seconds)

asked by Bruno Henríquez 04.05.2017 в 01:32

1 answer


It is possible that your error is found because when using Comparar - > Comparar(secuencia,primera) calls these lines at some point:

    char c= copia1.pop();
    char b= copiaprimera.pop();

that are based on tope

public char pop(){
       aux= elementos[tope];

to work but tope is initially -1, and you never increase the tope .

You may have to check the lines similar to the following:

    Pila primera = new Pila(x.length());

    for( int i=0; i<x.length();i++){
        primera.elementos[i]= x.charAt(i); <--

   for(int i =0;i<=x.tope;i++){
       copia1.elementos[i]=x.elementos[i]; <--

and adjust them to something like this:



Well the tope is only increased when using push , so I can see and you when you add the elements never use push for it with what tope never change its initial value which is -1

Note: I have not compiled your code.

answered by 04.05.2017 в 03:13