I told you that the order of your migrations should be as follows
You generate the migration with the following command
php artisan make:migration create_categoria_table
public function up() {
Schema::create('categoria', function(Blueprint $table){
$table->decimal('costo_hora', 10, 2);
You generate the migration with the following command
php artisan make:migration create_personal_table
public function up() {
Schema::create('personal', function (Blueprint $table) {
You generate the migration with the following command
php artisan make:migration create_sueldo_table
public function up() {
Schema::create('sueldo', function(Blueprint $table){
$table->decimal('horas', 10, 2);
$table->decimal('importe', 10, 2);
Migrations go one per file
The category table goes first, because it does not depend on any other to exist
staff goes after because it depends on its category structure
Salary goes to the end because its very existence depends on personal and at the same time personal depends on category
Foreign keys, try to name them in the following way
also in the singular