I have the following tables
empresa | estado_empresa | estado
-id -id_empresa -id
-nombre -id_estado -estado
In my system, companies go through the different states, when a company changes its state, a record is added in the intermediate table, without deleting the history of states through which that company has passed, since I use it in another module where I show the history of states through which that company has passed.
Now, to obtain the current status of 1 single company, I made the following query.
public static function estado_actual($id){
$empresa= Empresa::findOrFail($id);
$estado_actual = $empresa->estados()->orderBy('fecha_creado', 'DESC')->take(1)->get(); //obtiene el estado actual (ultimo registro segun fecha
return $estado_actual;
This works perfect for me, however I need to ask you the following:
Taking into account the previous query, where I get the current status of 1 company in specific ...
How can I get the current status of all companies at the same time?
Ex: I need to get the list of all the companies where their status current be
my current query
$prospectos = Empresa::with('estados')->selectRaw('distinct empresas.*')->whereHas('estados', function ($query) {
$query->where('estado_empresa.estado_id', '=', 1)->orderBy('fecha_creado', 'desc');
but it is not specific because if I have a company with two states PROSPECTOS
duplicates me the information.
since I appreciate your time.