I have the following loop that displays the folders that are in a default location.
while ($fil = readdir($carpeta)) {
if (is_dir($ruta . $fil) && $fil != "." && $fil != "..") {
echo "<div class='col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 col-xxs-12 work-item'>";
echo "<a href='/BotigaVirtual/codiFont/vistaFotosAlbum.php/?album=" . $this->ruta . $fil . "'> <img src='../codiFont/images/fotoAlbum.jpg'";
echo "class='img-responsive' class='fh5co-work-title'>";
echo "<h4>" . $fil . "</h4>";
echo "</a>";
echo "</div>";
I need to do that by clicking on the photo of the location, go to another page and pass them a parameter of $ _POST [] to be able to print it on that screen. I've tried it with $ _GET but I'd like to do it more with $ _POST.
Thank you very much for the help.