Error calling a php file


The problem is:

Warning: include(../Vistas/plantilla.php): failed to 
open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\SAE\index.php on 
line 2

This is the template.php file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
include ('../Vistas/Modulos/Head.php');
<body class="animsition">
<div class="page-wrapper">
    <!-- HEADER MOBILE-->
    include ('../Vistas/Modulos/HeaderMobile.php');
    <!-- MENU SIDEBAR-->
    include ('../Vistas/Modulos/MenuSidebar.php');
    <!-- END MENU SIDEBAR-->

    <!-- PAGE CONTAINER-->
    <div class="page-container">
        <!-- HEADER DESKTOP-->
        include ('../Vistas/Modulos/HeaderDesktop.php');
        <!-- HEADER DESKTOP-->

        <!-- MAIN CONTENT-->
        include ('../Vistas/Modulos/MainContent.php');
        <!-- END MAIN CONTENT-->
        <!-- END PAGE CONTAINER-->

 include ('../Vistas/Modulos/script.php');
 <!-- end document-->

And this is the index.php file

 include ('../Vistas/plantilla.php');
asked by ArielGamer - 004 14.11.2018 в 13:54

1 answer


The error:


failed to open stream: No such file or directory

indicates that the file you are trying to upload is not found , because it is not or because of a problem with the routes you are using to upload the file , and is independent of the contents of that file. If you try to load a file with an incorrect path, even if it is empty, you will have the same problem.

To load a PHP file you can check:

1. That exists . To check if a file exists, use the file_exists () function. If you have the file on disk, but it tells you that it does not exist, the route is wrong.

2. That you have access, of reading , to the file. It is less likely than the previous case, but the file could have been blocked for reading in some way. You can check if it exists and if it can be read with the function is_readable () .

Finally, when working with routes in the filesystem , to avoid problems it is recommended to use predefined constants : __FILE__ and __DIR__ .

answered by 14.11.2018 в 14:51