I'm doing a small application where I see an index that contains the data of books previously stored in phpmyadmin. I do not know how to do so that in each section I take the data stored in the phpmyadmin table. That is to say that for example I take the price data. I leave part of the code '
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<h2> <form method="post" > $precio </h2><br>
<a class="btnComprar" href="#">Añadir a la cesta</a>
<h1>El Universo en tu mano</h1>
<p>Christophe Galfard, el mejor discípulo de Stephen Hawking, es uno de los divulgadores científicos más renombrados del planeta.</p>
<table class="datosLibro">
<tr class="odd">
<td>Christophe Galfard</td>
<td>Blackie Brooks</td>
<tr class="odd">
<th>Año de edición</th>